방소연 팀장
▦ 철학
운동은나 자신을 사랑하는
첫번째 작은 습관.
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
• 운동처방사 1급
임보윤 강사
Pilates instructor
▦ 철학
마음으로 소통하는 인간적 수업
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
(America College of Sports Medicine
- 미국스포츠의학회 퍼스널트레이너)
최민주 강사
Pilates instructor
▦ 철학
운동과 꾸준한 소통을 통해
바른자세, 자신감, 즐거움을 드리자.
• Pilates university
Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
이현정 강사
Pilates instructor
▦ 철학
건강한 삶과 소통하는 매일이 즐거운 운동
• CentrealCertificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
이지현 강사
Pilates instructor
▦ 철학
꾸준한 운동이 쌓여 내 삶을 바꾼다.
• IPEI Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
손연주 강사
Pilates instructor
▦ 철학
운동은 쉽고 즐겁게, 변화는 빠르게
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training
(America College of Sports Medicine
-미국스포츠의학회 퍼스널트레이너)
• 스포츠 마사지 / 스포츠 테이핑
• 스포츠 경영 관리사
• CHA University Evidence-Based Practice
• lumbodynia Training
• Self Myofascial Release with Trigger Point
• Breathing Training
• Sejong University Pilates References
(Core Training/marketing strategy)
김채은 강사
Pilates instructor
▦ 철학
기본이 곧 성장할 디딤돌이다.
• Reborn Certificated pilates instructor
·Mat / Small equipment /Reformer /
Cadillac / Barrel / Chair /
Functional anatomy / Exercise anatomy /
Exercise physiology / Exercise nutrition /
Cardio training and Weight training